September 12, 2008 rupture

At 4-weeks, I'm seeing some change...not only in my foot...but in my mood/attitude. I've come to acceptance with the terms of my injury. When it first happened, I knew it was a major injury, but now I know what I'm in for: more time in the boot, more of a hit to our finances then first predicted and a possible return to my job in December...if not January.

Remember what I said in an earlier post--if you can afford it, get disability insurance, because this injury is taking a toll on our finances and emergency fund. Although worker's comp is picking up the tab for surgery, crutches, etc., my salary is taking a beating with the worker compensation rules and regs. My mother helped out with a nice check to keep our heads above water, and both sets of grandparents are helping out tremendously with taking care of our daughter while my wife picks up extra hours. But, I wish I kept AFLAC years ago. bummer. I actually miss the duck!!

I was in a full on depressed state a week ago...down on myself and what lies ahead. As I read through the numerous Achilles tendon blogs out there, they lifted my spirits reading about their recovery processes. Some folks have had longer rehabs than others, but all have recovered fine or are on their way to recovery as they check off small milestones: wearing a shoe, ditching the crutches, losing the boot are some of the examples. My mood is a bit better, and the depression has lifted. I'm sleeping much better at night...thank you Lunesta!

I'm still in the boot, my staples were removed a few weeks ago, and the steri-strips they put on over the scar are now gone. I actually removed a stray stitch that was sticking out of the skin. The scar itself is about 5-inches long and looks pretty good...for a scar. There's still some swelling around my ankle and toes, but the bruising is gone. I'm able to move my foot in circles and side to side. I'm flexing it a bit just to the point of tightness, but not over doing it. I'm tracing the alphabet with my big seems to help loosed up the tightness in my ankle. The relief from itching is a mental boost as I can take the boot off to keep the incision site clean. The boot will take on a pretty bad smell over time, so I take it off and throw the soft part in the laundry. yuck!

Here is the best site I've read so far: It has everything you want to know and a community discussing their Achilles recoveries. You will definitely get stuck reading it for hours, but stop back by once-in-awhile and check in on my progress.

Also, the weight gain is getting a bit out of hand. I was in great shape going into the Achilles rupture, but now I'm not! I'm seeing a bit of a second chin and my love handles are barking for more and more food! I'm still eating like I'm working out everyday and training for a marathon, but I'm not training for anything but getting back on my feet. I'm calling it my baby weight as I get even with my wife for having to clean out the litter box for 9-months! I just need to slow down the "boredom eating" and get back on track with some nutrition.

I still want to run a marathon in May. But...I've heard it could take up to a year to get back to the athletic firefighter I once was. bummer. I want to get back to work and just do the job.

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