I had a bit of a setback today. Whilst riding my roll-a-bout, I lost my concentration and started to fall towards my injured right side. I stuck my foot out to regain my balance and the entire event was like a slow motion movie. I knew I was going to land on my bad foot, but I could not do anything about it! Wham!...I stepped on my injured foot. Ouch!...Ouch!...Ouch! I'm elevating and icing the area, but I'm concerned of a re-rupture. The pain was tremendous, but I did not feel that kick in the back of leg, or the burning sensation in my calf muscle.
The thoughts running through my head are this: Did I re-rupture the tendon? Have I injured something else in the general vicinity? WTF...dude...use your concentration!
I have my first Doctor's visit tomorrow. I presume I'll be placed in a cast for 4 to 5 weeks, but I have no idea what to expect. Hopefully....my Achilles tendon is still in tact and I don't have to go through surgery again. Plus...I hate peeing in that urinal thing!
I've removed my splint several times during my recovery. Either to readjust the position of the splint due to rubbing or just plain old itching! The splint is on when I'm moving around the house, but I take it off occasionally when I'm icing or resting. When I ice the tendon, I find the cold penetrates the splint better with the hard sections removed. Plus, I'm able to move my foot a bit which is very encouraging. I can move the foot in left and right circle patterns and up and down very slowly. I'm not looking forward to a cast. I will not be able to move my foot and scratch an itch, but it's probably for the best.
What do you think? Should I keep the splint on and not move the foot? Or, does moving the foot and massaging the calf muscle lead to a quicker rehab?
Let me know.
Happy Halloween
13 years ago
I've ruptured my tendon also and I have my first Doctor's visit next wednesday.
Today I fell and put some weight on my bad foot too. Some pain at that moment but just that, little pain right after and no pain at all 5 minutes latter.
I got worried too. What did your doctor said about you falling?
Is everything ok?
Thank you.
Ricardo Carvalho
Hi Ricardo,
First...hang in there. This is a tough injury not only physically, but mentally as well. The recovery and rehab will take some time.
Second...I talked with my Doc, as I was worried that I might have to have surgery again to repair what was already repaired after stepping on it. He said they use a very thick stitch in the tendon, and it's unlikely that I'll re-rupture the tendon. Plus my new boot offers better protection then the soft splint they had me in before.
However, if I put full weight on it in a rapid downward motion, the possibility is there. There are other people blogging that have re-ruptured and went back through the surgery process.
After getting checked out and the staples removed, I passed my Thompson test with flying colors.
And, except for some minor swelling and itching where they shaved my leg...I'm doing pretty good.
Thanks for the comments. Good luck. Keep me posted on your recovery.
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