wow...a milestone...the 6-month mark. When I was first injured on August 15th, 2008, I thought this day would never come. 6-months seemed so far away at the time. I knew it would take approximately 6-months to get a the full speed ahead from my doctor, and that's exactly what happened. I was fully released on Friday the 13th. According to the worker's compensation doctor, I have hit maximum medical improvement or MMI. I'm not sure what my impairment rating will be if anything at all, but I'm satisfied being released from doctor's visits.
During the impairment rating appointment, the doctor said I had not quite reached full dorsi flexion, and had some tightness with flexion. Meaning...the muscles and scar tissue are tight enough in my foot to not allow full range of motion pointing my toes at the floor and the sky. My side to side motion is 100%. He said this would continue for about a year...maybe two. I might not get the power I use to have in that area back....ever. My guess is I'll get back 90 to 95% of what I used to have prior to the injury. The one year milestone will tell me quite a bit when it comes around in August.
I continue to work fact....much harder than what I was doing a month ago. I'm following the CrossFit plan, and it seems to work the best for me at the moment. I've lost quite a few of my post injury pounds, and I'm slowly making gains in my cardio that I lost. The strength has definitely returned in both legs. My right calf, although smaller than my left calf, has gained back enormous amounts of strength and size over the past 2-months. I was able to do a 5K run today with limited problems. Just the typical soreness from running.
So, I've hit 6-months. I'm quite pround to be where I'm at! The mental game of the Achilles rupture continues, but each day I get better.
And for those that might read this blog and be in the beginning stages of recovery or the late stages...
you will get better. Hang in there.
Happy Halloween
13 years ago