Pt is going well. My range of motion is excellent, but my strength is very low. The calf and muscles of the foot have completely atrophied. My PT is working on both range of motion, massaging the scar tissue, and strengthening exercises. I was able to ride the exercise bike during PT for the first time in a long time. If felt great! My knee joint has tightened up a bit over the past several weeks, so the bike loosened up the knee and the Achilles tendon.
I'm partial weight bearing still using both crutches. It's not too bad and putting weight on my foot has helped out my hip muscles as well. The pins and needles affect has worn off, but I'm sure it will return when I move to full weight bearing next week. I amazed at how weak my right leg has become. I will have to learn to walk again. There's still no pain, although it gets a bit stiff at night from the PT.
I slept for the first time not wearing the boot. I actually fell asleep with the boot off while watching TV, and woke up at 3am with a throbbing foot. I put the boot back on, and the throbbing went away. I guess I'm not ready to go "bootless" yet. I also put on a tennis shoe for the first time over my right foot. It was a bit tight, but I wanted to see what normal looked like again. I took several steps using my crutches to loosen up the ankle. That felt great too! I can't wait to walk again!!
The mental side of this recovery snuck up on me again the past several days. I have become bored not being able to drive and stuck in the house. I've been moody and depressed up until today. The same old routine is wearing on me. I'm a very active person, and not having the freedom to "get up and go" is very tough mentally. There are several projects around the house that require a ladder...and I can't get to them. Arghh! The weight gain is pissin' me off too. I'm doing upper body work, but it's done nothing for my new belly. I set up my bike on a trainer, but it's hard to ride without my cleated cycling shoes. A spinner bike would be nice! There's light at the end of the tunnel...there's light at the end of the tunnel....there's light at....the....end....of...........the tunnel.
I'm off to ice my foot. I'll check back in at Week 7.
Happy Halloween
13 years ago